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Scientific Instruments
Microwave Digestion System
BOD And COD Analyzer with Digestor
Digital Polarimeter
Digital Refractometer
ABBE Refractometer
Probe Sonicator
Double Beam Spectrophotometer
Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
Bio Chemistry Analyzer
Digital Viscometer
Refrigerated Circulating Bath
Dry Bath Incubator
Ice Flaker
Magnetic Stirrer
Visual Colorimeter
Turbidity Meter
pH Meter
ISE's Electrodes
Online Conductivity Controller
Organic Carbon Analyzer
Digital Water Bath
Gradient Thermal Cycler PCR
Vortex Mixer
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Scientific Instruments
Scientific Instruments
Microwave Digestion System
LMDS600 Microwave Digestion System
BOD And COD Analyzer with Digestor
BOD4000 BOD Analyzer
COD1500 COD Analyzer with Digestor
Digital Polarimeter
ADP100CFR Automatic Digital Polarimeter
ADP90 Automatic Digital Polarimeter
ADP45 Automatic Digital Polarimeter
Digital Refractometer
RFM100CFR Digital Refractometer
RFM950 Digital Refractometer
RFM970 Digital Refractometer
ABBE Refractometer
LMAR1317T ABBE Refractometer
Probe Sonicator
PRO656 Touch Screen Probe Sonicator
PRO900 Touch Screen Probe Sonicator
PRO1200 Touch Screen Probe Sonicator
PRO660R Touch Screen Probe Sonicator With Remote
Probe PB15 PB20 PB22 Probe Sonicator
Double Beam Spectrophotometer
LUV2000T Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with 21CFR
LUV2100T Double Beam UV-Vis. Spectrophotometer with 21CFR
LUV1100T Single Beam UV-Vis. Spectrophotometer with 21CFR
LMSPUV1900 Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
LMSPUV1908Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer With 8 Cell Holder
LMSPUV1928Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer With 8 Cell Holder
Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC6D Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC9D Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC12D Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC25D Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC35M Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
LMUC3D Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
Bio Chemistry Analyzer
BCA80 Bio Chemistry Analyzer
Digital Viscometer
LMDV100 Digital Viscometer
LMDV200 Digital Viscometer
LMDV60 Digital Viscometer
LVA30 Low Viscosity Adaptor
SSA15 Small Sample Adaptor
Refrigerated Circulating Bath
RCB1020T Refrigerated Circulating Bath
RCB620T Refrigerated Circulating Bath
Dry Bath Incubator
DBI11T Touch Screen Dry Bath Incubator
DBI18 Dry Bath Incubator
DBI20 Dry Bath Incubator
Ice Flaker
LMIF30T Touch Screen Ice Flaker
LMIF50T Touch Screen Ice Flaker
LMIF100T Touch Screen Ice Flaker
LMIF200T Touch Screen Ice Flaker
Magnetic Stirrer
LMMS5LC Ceramic Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer
LMMS300 Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer
Visual Colorimeter
LMCR80F Visual Colorimeter
Turbidity Meter
LMTB200 Turbidity Meter
pH Meter
LMPH15 with Printer
LMPH10H pH Meter
LMPH12 pH Meter
ISE's Electrodes
ISE19 Fluoride Electrodes
ISE62 Nitrate Electrodes
Online Conductivity Controller
OCM21 Online Conductivity Controller
Organic Carbon Analyzer
LTOC1000 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
Digital Water Bath
LMWB04 Digital Water Bath
LMWB06 Digital Water Bath
Gradient Thermal Cycler PCR
PCR9602G Gradient Thermal Cycler PCR
Vortex Mixer
LMVM60D Vortex Mixer
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